The Ultimate Defenders

The Ultimate Defenders takes place in the Henderson Pets Universe in another galaxy. It tells about a Non-Binary person named Jason who looks like a boy and who travels the galaxy with a crew of smugglers and warriors to save planets. Jason was chosen by The Order of the Shomrei Shalom Society and the society’s warriors, the Navi Tanakhsophia. Jason struggles to accept themself as a non-binary person.

Aaron character model sheet

Megeana facial expression

Megeana character model sheet

Aaron with blasters on him

Aaron the smuggler

Aaron jumping

Dr. Mob Roph



Jason Vulcan

Megeana – A Warrior from Xin-Hanna


Aaron the SmugglerJason and Megeana kissing


King Galifinaru




Core Xankhan



The Ultimate Defenders Storyboards

The Ultimate Defenders Rough Animation Sketches

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